“Though not all of those Jews who come to Christ are willing to have their picture or video taken, the book and documentary ‘The Rabbi Who Found Messiah’ is a powerful tool . . .

Most Jewish people don’t know that Messiah has already come and by His death, burial and resurrection, we have full forgiveness of sins if We repent and believe…

Messiah of Israel Ministries was called by the Holy Spirit to proclaim The ‘Beth’ ( ב ). As a group of believers were praying, Zev saw an Orthodox man who was approaching…

We at Messiah of Israel Ministries always pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit before we go on outreaches. Once again, Zev received revelation from the Holy Spirit…

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) symbolizes the need for the forgiveness of sin and is fulfilled by Messiah Yeshua’s sacrifice for the atonement of humanity’s sins…

Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) – Holiday Name and Meaning: Sukkot is the Hebrew name of the holiday Feast of Tabernacles. To tabernacle with someone is to dwell with them. God tabernacled…

Joseph Farah, Founder of WND, shares about the revival in Israel through the Evangelistic book, The Rabbi Who Found Messiah, by Pastor Carl Gallups Zev Porat, Founder of Messiah of Israel…

Rabbi Kaduri’s note leads to sharing the Gospel When we share the Good News about Messiah Yeshua to the Jewish people, they think this is only a Christian belief, not one that Jews can accept . .