Your gift to support the ongoing work of Messiah of Israel Ministries enables us to continue on our mission – to bring the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah to the people of Israel and the Nations.
We pray that God will richly bless you as you bless his chosen people (Gen:12:3).
Helping the Needy in Israel

We don’t just give out food vouchers but also share the full Gospel of Yeshua. If we give food without sharing the love of Yeshua, it’s not real love.
Your gifts enable us to share the Gospel to the people of Israel and the Nations, Please help us support the needy, Aliyah (new immigrants to Israel), IDF soldiers, war and terror victims, and Holocaust Survivors in Israel with the Gospel of Yeshua and $200
FOOD VOUCHERS. GOD has called us TO STAND WITH ISRAEL: “And I will bless those who bless you,” (Gen. 12:3)
THANK YOU so much for your Love, Support and Prayers!
Give a special gift for food vouchers. For your $200 designated donation- or more as the Lord leads.
Food Project
Select designated gift amount then click on the Donation Button.
Discipleship Programs in Israel

Messiah of Israel Ministries has launched several discipleship training programs in many locations in Israel. The Evanglistic tool: the book, The Rabbi Who Found Messiah, is leading many to the Written Word of God. Many have benn saved. We give all the glory to Yeshua the Messiah. The Kaduri revival is expanding in Israel.
1. The Kaduri students and Orthodox Jews discipleship training programs. 2. Secular Jews discipleship training programs. 3. Arab and all Nations discipleship training programs.
Partner with us so we can continue to operate these discipleship programs and expand with more programs. There is a revival in Israel. We would like to offer you this opportunity of blessing for the salvation of Israel.
A designated donation of $200 or more as the Lord leads enables us to continue these discipleship programs and more programs.
We are in exciting End Times. Each student receives a beautiful Bible: Old and New Testament in Hebrew and the language of their requirements, such as English, Russian, Spanish, Ethiopian, Arabic and so on.

Reaching Israel in the END TIMES! You can make a difference for Eternity. For your $200 designated donation to sponsor a student or more as the Lord leads.
Discipleship Training Programs
Select designated gift amount then click on the Donation Button.
Designated gift for Bibles

We need your help to buy Bibles to reach the Lost Sheep of Israel with the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah. The cost of each Bible in Hebrew and in different languages is $90 (US Dollars).
For your designated $90 (US) donation or more as the the Lord leads.
Bible Project
Select designated gift amount then click on the Donation Button.
Helping Aliyah
Isaiah 49:22
See, I will beck on to the Nations, I will lift up my banner to the peoples; they will bring your sons in their arms and carry your daughters on their hips.
Messiah of Israel Ministries (Zev Porat Ministries) are helping Aliyah (New Immigrant) families in Israel with food vouchers and basic necessities. We don’t just give out food vouchers but also share the full Gospel of Yeshua. If we give food without sharing the love of Yeshua, it’s not real love.
Yeshua said it with his own mouth in Matthew 4:4
Yeshua answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’

We at Messiah of Israel Ministries believe that it’s very important to present the FULL GOSPEL OF YESHUA THE MESSIAH to the Aliyah people and families. We are able to establish relationships through meeting their needs.
The Word instructs us to care for THE NEEDY IN THEIR DISTRESS.
In the Book of Romans the Apostle Paul instructs the Gentiles to send material offerings to Jerusalem in order to repay a DEBT that the Gentiles have towards the Jews for receiving all spiritual blessings from them! Indeed from the Jewish People Gentiles have received the Bible, The Messiah, The Gospel and the 12 Jewish Apostles! Everything that matters spiritually came from Israel to the nations!
We see these $200 VOUCHERS as an important seed to repay that debt.
Romans 15: 26-27
26 For Macedonia and Achaia have been pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the saints in Jerusalem. 27 Yes, they were pleased to do so, and they are indebted to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in their spiritual things, they are indebted to minister to them also in material things.
This is the Heart of the Father in Heaven towards them and with our money and prayers we can represent His Heart to them saying “thank you Israel for giving us the Messiah” and now “We give His Love in a practical way back to you”.

May the blessing of Yeshua (Jesus) be upon you.
Isaiah 40:1
“Comfort, O comfort My people,” says your God.
Please Help us support the Aliyah in Israel with the Gospel of Yeshua and $200 FOOD VOUCHERS.
GOD has called us TO STAND WITH ISRAEL: “And I will bless those who bless you” (Gen. 12:3)
For your $200 designated donation or more as the Lord leads.
Helping Aliyah
Select designated gift amount then click on the Donation Button.