Reaching Criminals with the Gospel in Israel

We at Messiah of Israel Ministries share the Gospel by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We started our day in prayer and began to share Yeshua (Jesus) in the beautiful Tel Aviv area.

As the team was praying, Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat was sharing the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah with many. There was a group of dangerous looking men without shirts drinking beer and talking loudly. One of them walked over to Zev and asked him what he is doing there talking to people. He asked Zev: “You know who I am?” Zev replied: “No, what is your name?” “Avi Biton”, he replied, “My people and I own this place, all the stores, restaurants and ice cream places, and they pay us. And we don’t like you here. I’m a big man and want you to leave now.” Avi was a step away from violence. It was clear this was a dangerous situation.

The Holy Spirit commanded Zev to stay and keep preaching the Gospel. Avi asked Zev: “What are you trying to sell here? And you have to pay me after your selling.” Zev: “I sell nothing. What I offer is free and all paid for.” Avi was intrigued: “Free? What’s free?” Zev: “God’s love.” Then Zev opened the Bible to Psalms 145:14-17

The LORD upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. The LORD is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made.

Avi fascinated Rabbi Kaduri believed in Yeshua.

Zev: “God loves us so much He sent His son the Messiah to die for our sins. He rose after 3 days. If we believe in Him and repent and turn from our ways, He is just to forgive us. We have eternal life.” Avi was in shock. He asked Zev: “Are you not afraid to speak to me like this. Don’t you know what power I have?” Zev told him with calm and love: “I’m afraid only of God. We are all small people with a big God. Zev then opened the Bible to Psalms 33:16-18

No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.After reading this, Zev told Avi that God is calling him to turn from the evil ways and stop threatening people for a living. He told Avi that God loves him so much. At that moment, the other men with no shirts on began to shout to Avi: “Do you need help with the trouble maker?” Avi replied: “He is OK. Leave him alone. He is a friend.”

Amazingly, the Holy Spirit was in full control. This dangerous situation has turned into an outreach to criminals. Glory to Yeshua!

Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat with Avi in the word. Praise Yeshua.

Avi said no one in this world has ever spoken to him like that. The only reason he likes Zev is because Zev is bold and not afraid of him. Zev told Avi that he just a messenger and if he turns to God and begins to love people, He won’t need to bully for a living. God will bless him.Avi began to pour his heart out. The criminal became a soft man. Avi explained: “I lost my father when I was 9 years old. My father was shot before my eyes. All I know is to live like this.” Zev replied with love and compassion: “I’m sorry for that. Why was he shot?” Avi: “Another criminal wanted his territory.” Zev asked: “Avi, do you have children?” Avi: “Three.” Zev: “Do you want your children to lose their father?” Avi: “That won’t happen.” Zev: “Did your father think it would happen?” Avi was silent. The Holy Spirit was in full control.”

Zev: “I’m sure you don’t want your children doing what you are doing? Avi: “No, I love my children and want something better for them.” Zev: “The Father in Heaven loves you so much, He sent His son the Messiah to die for your sins.” Zev and Avi read Isaiah 53.After reading and studying the Word, Avi asked: “Who is that Messiah?” Zev: “Yeshua.” Avi said he felt that was genuine and he wanted to change.Amazing! Zev and Avi exchanged contact information. Avi told his fellow members to talk with Zev and listen.

Zev continued to share with more of Avi’s members. The Shekinah glory was everywhere. Zev will meet with them. We pray they will turn to and accept Yeshua as their Savior.

One thing is certain, they will never be the same again. We give all the glory to the King of kings, Lord of lords, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Yeshua the Messiah. Amen.

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